Turtle Hunting

professor speaks

So, the professor was out turtle hunting.

I was looking for this chap:

Red-eared Slider. I wish I had red ears.

Red-eared Slider. I wish I had red ears.

But then I saw this! (Online.)



And the professor was like…wow!

I must needs have this one. See, this is the warrior among turtles. Sorta like I’m a warrior among professors.

So, the professor went to this pond store.

“I’d like an alligator snapping turtle, please,” I said.

The chap’s face kinda fell. “You mean a real one?”

“I’d prefer that, but if you have solid gold ones, I might be interested.”

He laughed a bit. “You can’t buy those turtles. If you’re looking for a turtle for a pond or something, can I suggest a red-eared pond slider? Snapping turtles are just way too dangerous.”

“That’s okay,” I said. “I’m more dangerous than one of them.”

I never did get that turtle.

Moral: You have to thieve snapping turtles; you can’t buy them.

121 Responses to “Turtle Hunting”

  1. 1 Sonya Solomonovich January 20, 2016 at 21:33

    I never knew a turtle could do that sort of posture! I’m going to go look at some youtube videos of them now…

  2. 3 Simply Skeptical January 19, 2016 at 23:49

    Oh I love turtles. I had forgotten how cute they are. As in the first picture. I didn’t realize snapping turtles looked so fierce. Mean and scary for sure. You’ve not lived until you’ve pet a turtle’s head and they trust you to. Certainly don’t try this with a snapping turtle. :-)

  3. 5 John W. Howell January 19, 2016 at 22:37

    pssst. Hey, buddy. You want a turtle?

  4. 16 Heartafire January 19, 2016 at 22:04

    I adore turtles but not in pic #2 and pic #3. those are scary turtles and I think #2 is a snapping turtle , you want to stay away from those. I’m from Florida, I know my turtles. Anecdote: I had a box turtle (so cute) when I was a child. I wrote POGO on his shell cause that was his name. He escaped and was found a few blocks away and returned to me as this person knew that I had a turtled named Pogo. A miracle! I let him loose into the lake out back, I had to assume he wanted to get away. Be very careful with the snappers Professor, they can take a finger off before you can say Rats and a Heifer.

  5. 38 walt walker January 19, 2016 at 20:06

    Paying is just a polite way of taking what you want. If someone says you can’t buy something, well that’s just rude. Then you just take it anyway. They had their chance.

    • 39 Professor VJ Duke January 19, 2016 at 21:38

      *laughing lots and lots* I love this to many deaths! What a point, too. After all, if they aren’t willing to accept what I might offer (probably grass, the sudden) I’ll just thieve it. You, Mr. Walt, are a genius.

  6. 40 E. January 19, 2016 at 19:42

    You couldn’t pay me enough to go near a snapping turtle! Unless it *was* made of solid gold, and didn’t move, or snap, or turtle. Foxes like shiny things, but they don’t like things that bite back, don’t you know.

  7. 50 InfiniteZip January 19, 2016 at 17:25

    What an impressive arrive beast that one…yes, you should get one, make it a pet…..perhaps he can sleep in a turtle box on your bed? You could name him Peyton…he looks like a Peyton.

  8. 54 Nancy Loderick January 19, 2016 at 16:39

    I love turtles! We count them when we are out kayaking. It’s so much fun to see them all lined up on logs, sunning themselves.

    Of course, we aren’t hunting them, just observing them. ;)


  9. 60 Debbie January 19, 2016 at 16:10

    That snapping turtle looks vicious indeed! Something like that would keep the buggers away, providing you keep it a bit on the hungry side. As for the pink-eared chap, why, professor, of course you too can have pink ears — just stand outside in the Arctic air without a hat on for an hour or so! By the way, do you have a pond for that sort of critter??

    • 61 Professor VJ Duke January 19, 2016 at 21:35

      Well, I’ve got something of a pound. I don’t know if it’s big enough for the alligator chap, not that he’d mind. Or he might, and bite of my feet. The professor, the sudden, doesn’t have ears, don’t you know.

  10. 62 desertdweller29 January 19, 2016 at 15:57

    I prefer the three-eyed toad. Good for keeping watch.

  11. 68 Susan P January 19, 2016 at 14:37

    Chickit. If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. Go in there and act like you know what you are doing. We’re depending on you.

  12. 80 crimeworm January 19, 2016 at 14:36

    I love turtles. When you eventually get your hands on one, can I come visit to see it? I’ll bring tasty snacks for us AND the turtle! Can’t say fairer than that! All you have to do is make tea – very civilized!

    • 81 Professor VJ Duke January 19, 2016 at 21:31

      Tasty snacks! Mmmm…that’s a deal, the sudden. What will they be? Out of curiosity, of course. I’ll make cherry green tea. Is that acceptable? It’s the best.

      And I’ll put the turtle in a cage…so he doesn’t snap.

  13. 82 alicjajohnson January 19, 2016 at 14:08

    I like the original chap! The alligator one is much too terrifying for my taste.

  14. 84 FictionFan January 19, 2016 at 14:07

    Oh be honest! You just like that turtle because it looks like Clara! In fact, stick some lipstick on it and it’d be hard to tell them apart! I’m not sure it’s snapping – actually I think it’s dancing. I bet if we could see its feet it’s wearing a little pair of tap shoes.

    Red ears would clash hideously with your pretty pink nose…

  15. 104 PorterGirl January 19, 2016 at 13:27

    Aha the red eared slider! Finally, I get to see one of the buggers. They are super. But the alligator snapping turtle is quite something. Sort of reminds me of my Mum.

  16. 118 L. Marie January 19, 2016 at 13:25

    That alligator snapping turtle would be a good watch-pet. But you can also get a red-eared slider since it has red in its name and seems very cute. You like red, don’t you?

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