Snowing, Veggies, and Hot Dogs…

professor speaks

And so, it begins…


(Isn’t that what you think of every time someone says that? Théoden was so useless in that battle, I can’t believe it.)

But, I meant something differently different:


Picture from the Professor Office.

Yes, it’s snowing. Again.

Not that there’s been too much snow. But really. Couldn’t it snow in December? At Christmas?

As it is now this professor is already ready for spring. In truth, that’s true.

*double sighs for everyone*

Anyways and some, I must, the sudden, show you two similar looking things that are really not the same. At least, I don’t think they’re the same.



Now, look here, both are green and oblong, but they taste remarkably different.

This is a good lesson, you see. It goes to show you that you can be similar to another thing, but you probably taste differently.

That’s why they say,

“No two pigs are the same; no two pieces of bacon taste the same.”*

Enough of that. It borderlines on dadblamery.

One more thing.

I came across this picture the other day.


Now, do you suppose this is a hot dog? Goodness.

I bet that chap in the bun tastes nothing like a hotdog. Which goes to show you that even if you try to look the same, you’ll still be different, because not only do you not taste the same, you don’t look the same either. #ProfessorishLogic

Wait. Having another thought.

If two things that look the same taste differently [i.e. Mr. Zucchini and Mr. Cucumber], does that mean that two things that look differently taste the same?! Wow. Mind blown. #NewProfessorishTheory

In conclusion, that chap in the bun tastes like a hotdog.

*I’m sure someone somewhere said this, aren’t you?

207 Responses to “Snowing, Veggies, and Hot Dogs…”

  1. 1 Sonya Solomonovich February 21, 2016 at 21:55

    That is the cutest dog ever! I would never eat a hot dog, especially not with a real dog in it, though I would happily eat both zuc’s and cucumbers.

  2. 5 Hazy February 17, 2016 at 13:37

    Theoden at least delivered a pep talk for his troops didn’t he?

    Snowing again? A good time for a warm cup of tea or cocoa. Or sledding again. Preferably not done together I suppose. Do cucumber and zucchinis grow in spring?

  3. 7 Ms. Vee February 16, 2016 at 22:35

    This is too funny Professor! The snow picture is beautiful. There is fruit brand name is Grapple. Looks like an apple, taste like a grape! Another one looks like an orange and taste like a lemon. 😄

  4. 49 L. Marie February 16, 2016 at 21:17

    It’s snowing here again too, Professor.
    The puppy in the bun reminds me of the wieiner dog commercial during the Super Bowl. :-D

  5. 53 John W. Howell February 16, 2016 at 21:06

    If two things look the same and taste different and two things taste the same but look different can we say two things are always different in some ways?

  6. 93 Simply Skeptical February 16, 2016 at 20:36

    No Professor I do believe this is uniquely Professorish. Cute little dog in the bun. Warm and cozy, but definitely not edible.

  7. 97 Susan P February 16, 2016 at 20:04

    That there looks like animal cruelty!

  8. 129 Heartafire February 16, 2016 at 19:58

    My mind is blown, you really dug deep with this one Professor. I despise Zucchini’s , don’t try to slip them in my soup either. I like pickles, bread and butter pickles (baby cukes). I would like to have the little weener dog. Those Germans sure know how to breed their dogs. I do love Germans don’t get me wrong, that’s a compliment there. Lovely day, stay warm, it’s way down in the 70’s here…brrrr.

  9. 137 Nancy Loderick February 16, 2016 at 19:30

    Well Professor,

    You sure gave us some food for thought this week! Both figuratively and literally! What a professorish thing to do. :)


  10. 141 FictionFan February 16, 2016 at 18:07

    I’m not sure, but I think my brain may have just exploded! This is a particularly Professorial post, well deserving of its imperial purple highlights! #PurpleRocks

    The thing is, do two things that don’t look the same and don’t taste the same still scream the same when you eat them? And who could possibly eat that adorable little hotdog?? I mean, there’s no mustard on it…

    • 142 Professor VJ Duke February 18, 2016 at 14:56

      But I hate purple, of course. Isn’t it something? How it goes from one topic to the next? Haha. #proud

      Goodness. But do things scream when you eat them? I’ve never heard a scream. *gulps* That’d be unsettling, see. *laughing lots* You heartless thing!

  11. 143 kedslover February 16, 2016 at 17:58

    That’s the best looking hot dog I’ve ever seen! If I didn’t have a particular penchant for tiny adorable animals, I would probably reconsider my dinner plans.

  12. 167 Chris White February 16, 2016 at 17:09

    Ladies and gentlemen … I give you flavoured crisps or whatever they are called …. cheese & onion, bacon etc. Nothing tastes different …. merely our perception. I can taste gravitational waves now. One of the black holes was cheese & onion and the other was chicken.

  13. 169 desertdweller29 February 16, 2016 at 15:45

    Dadblamery! All of it!

    You know Professor, it’s going to be 90 here. We can roast those hotdogs here. Cucumbers and zucchinis are for the snow birds.

  14. 187 Debbie February 16, 2016 at 15:42

    ‘Tis nice of us to share our snows with you, Professor. Since you haven’t had very much, maybe you’ll appreciate it more than we do!

    I have no knowledge of those green things. I admit to being very picky when it comes to veggies (guess my taste buds aren’t any more refined than a five-year-old’s!)

    As for that poor weenie dog, I feel so sorry for that breed. Who got the idea of holding them in a bun anyway? That’s dadblamery, in my opinion! Just look at his little face — you can almost hear him saying, “Seriously???”

    • 188 Professor VJ Duke February 18, 2016 at 14:52

      Had very much?! I’ve had enough. But this professor is so generous that I’m going to send it all to you as fastly fast as I can!

      *laughs* Debbie, you must eat your veggies. But, I believe, both are fruits! Isn’t that odd?

      Yes, but he doesn’t look scared, does he? He proves that in the face of sudden danger, it’s best to hold strong and have a good time.

  15. 189 PorterGirl February 16, 2016 at 15:13

    Lovely snow scene, Professor, but you must be fed up of all the coldness I imagine. Now – those green things – I think one is a cucumber and the other is a courgette. But you probably have different names for them over your side of the pond. As for things tasting the same and different – I say eat all the things and be done with it. They all come out the same way, after all.

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