So Cold…I Lied

professor speaks

The professor put on a t-shirt, then a dress shirt, then a sweater vest, then a velvet jacket.

I did this ’cause it was sorta cold out, you know.

And like Scrooge says, garments were invented to protect against cold.


Though I sorta doubt this, the sudden. See, the garments didn’t do too much to protect against the cold, I felt. Then again, I’m sure it was better than nothing.

See? Every story has two sides. I persuade myself freely from side to side, depending on my mood at the hour, minute, or even second.

Anyways and a sum of half the total, this professor was on the march through a college campus.

It was lightly snowing and quite gray outside, see.

I hear that muscles shiver to protect against the cold. You know, they sorta shiver to build up heat. This is wrong of them. If they didn’t shiver, I wouldn’t be cold. See, shivering causes my coldness.

This is a fact.

Then I ran into a group of students, I think.

“Where are you going?” one asked.

Sorta brazen, I thought.

“Too far in this weather,” I answered.


“Yeah, where?” another joined in.

I find that when you’re getting asked lots and lots of questions, the best thing to do is talk lots and lots. This stops your attacker from asking more questions.

But don’t you know, at that exact moment, my mouth was too cold to move much.

Dadblame the weather.

“What’s in the bag?” one of the girls asked.

And I was carrying a bag.

Okay, it didn't look like this, obviously. But this is what came up first for secret bag...let me have another locketh...

Okay, it didn’t look like this, obviously. But this is what came up first for secret bag…let me have another locketh…

This isn't right either. I assure you.

This isn’t right either. I assure you.

Aha! This is something like what I was carrying.

Aha! This is something like what I was carrying.

So, what was in the bag?

“Enough dynamite to blow up your college, I fear.”

That fetched them.

They were off in a jiffy–which I hear is a tenth of a second.

And this professor was alone again.

Few seconds later, a police car sorta pulled up.

Lesson: Don’t make up dangerous lies.

Moral: If you lie, make sure everyone knows it’s a lie.

Rats and a Heifer.

I’ve decided I lied because I was so cold.



94 Responses to “So Cold…I Lied”

  1. 1 That Tiny Giant May 16, 2016 at 19:04

    I’m dying. Professor needs a pink bag! Loool

  2. 5 Audrey Dawn - Oldest Daughter Redheaded Sister April 15, 2016 at 15:02

    You really can be incredibly vicious. We all know you had cats in your bag.

  3. 9 Sonya Solomonovich April 15, 2016 at 11:36

    That third bag does look appropriate for a warrior. You could have said that the bag was full of dirty laundry and thus got rid of them. Was there really dynamite in it?

  4. 13 walt walker April 15, 2016 at 00:40

    Hmmm. The dynamite line might have been a mis-step, Old Sport. We’ll see how it plays out. And to be honest, the pink and black number might look best with your ensemble.

  5. 17 Simply Skeptical April 14, 2016 at 23:00

    I fear you may of the evasive sort Professor…. Shivering is good for you then.

  6. 19 John W. Howell April 14, 2016 at 22:30

    Ha ha ha. Enjoyed this. I think your response to the kids was perfect. Too bad about the police.

  7. 23 Jackie April 14, 2016 at 21:12

    Oh dear Professor! It seems you manage to find trouble no matter where you go.

  8. 35 L. Marie April 14, 2016 at 17:41

    Well, I hope the police will go easy on you. You can always lie about the lie you told. Perhaps the students were so cold, they misheard?

  9. 37 Heartafire April 14, 2016 at 17:29

    Professor, I’ve decided to seek professional help. Care to join me? Velvet? Please!

  10. 43 desertdweller29 April 14, 2016 at 15:48

    I think you’re lying about the bag you carried, too, Professor. I believe the second choice (teddy rolling backpack) was what you were really carting around. That’s very suspicious indeed. I’d have stopped you too!

  11. 47 Haylee April 14, 2016 at 15:36

    Velvet was a bad move in snow, layers or not.
    You need to grow your hair to prevent the cold – mine works wonders as a dual scarf and earmuff combination! Although, I find if my nose is cold, nothing can warm me up. We need to invent stylish nose heaters!
    Next time, just tell them it’s a cat and you can’t let it out… ;)

  12. 59 Freakishly Fangirlish April 14, 2016 at 14:50

    Oh goodness! I am never letting you come to my campus! :D

  13. 63 PorterGirl April 14, 2016 at 14:36

    Well that does sound like quite the dashing outfit, Professor. I am surprised it didn’t keep the cold out but maybe the cold was already within.

  14. 81 Debbie April 14, 2016 at 14:31

    Professor, I’d have thought you’d be toasty in all those layers, but perhaps a coat would have served you better. Domer says men’s coats look “dumb,” so what do I know? I guess he freezes the same as you do, in an effort to look “cool.” (Make that, COLD!!)

    If you’d been toting that middle bag, you probably wouldn’t have had dealings with the police. They’d have just picked you up and hauled you off to the funny farm! Gee, did those students think you looked like a bomber in your fancy velvet jacket?? Rats and a Heifer, indeed!

    • 82 Professor VJ Duke April 15, 2016 at 12:56

      Haha. He’s right! Who wants to wear a coat? Then you sorta look like a huge rolly-polly sort of thing. No coats, see. Cool is better than be warm. Wait. Something like that.

      I should’ve body slammed them all, huh? Funny Farm. I wonder what it’s like there. Probably scary.

  15. 83 FictionFan April 14, 2016 at 14:11

    I swooned so badly at the velvet jacket bit, I nearly missed the rest! Tuppence had to throw a jug of cold water over me! For which I hold you wholly responsible… *glowers vengefully and damply*

    Well, you see, you should have worn a kilt and matching plaid – then your knees would have done all the shivering for you! Or you could have worn a deerstalker to keep the Professorial ears warm and to stop stuff escaping from your head… *thinks about that one, but decides to leave it* You should definitely go for the middle bag next time…

    *sighs and shakes head* Jail again! They’ll be charging you rent soon…

    • 84 Professor VJ Duke April 15, 2016 at 12:54

      Cold water? I do apologize for that. It must’ve been cold. I hate cold water. Unless it’s hot outside. If it’s hot outside I don’t mind cold water, you know. Velvet is so important looking. It’s hilarious.

      I did have this hat on. But I forget what it’s called. It’s black and has a funny shape. You know? It’s black. And it’s got a funny shape. Yes, that’s it. Things don’t escape from my ears! I keep all my info locked away and protected lots and lots.

      They already do. Bust me out?

      • 85 FictionFan April 15, 2016 at 17:22

        It’s not hot outside! *growls* I adore velvet – have I mentioned that? It’s soooooo tactile! It’s like having a cat without the scratching and the smells! It may be my top favourite fabric. Better not wear it while that matchmaker’s around – the girls will not be able to resist… *swoons again* No, Tuppence!! Not again!! *sploshes disconsolately away*

        Ah! A sombrero! #cool But do you remember where you put the key?

        Again?? This is becoming a full-time job! Can’t you use the same tunnel as I dug last time? This plays havoc with my nails, you know, you know…

      • 86 Professor VJ Duke April 18, 2016 at 12:42

        *looks at sunburn* Yes, it is! You should enjoy some cold water. Velvet is rather nice. It’s not itchy, which is a plus. But…but…but…it’s…like…well…it’s all posh, you know. And vicious looking. *confused* *laughing lots and lots* Tuppence is having such fun. This is great.

        Was not! I’ve never worn one of those. Alas, no. I always lose the keys.

        But imagine how good it is for your arms and upper body strength! #cool

      • 87 FictionFan April 18, 2016 at 16:42

        The sun shone today! It was so exciting! It’s gone again now though. Velvet is super-sophisticated – real class! Especially black velvet… *eyes Tuppence warily*

        A beret then!

        Do I strike you as the type of person who desires arms like Rafa and a torso like Taylor Kitsch?

      • 88 Professor VJ Duke April 19, 2016 at 13:01

        It’s been sunny here! I’ve even got a bit sunburnt. Yup. I have. Haha. When we meet I’m going to bring a squirt gun since you like it so much.

        Isn’t that a gun?

        Abs. Abs like Taylor Kitsch, you mean. Must get these words right, FEF. Umm…no, probably not. But women don’t get that sort of muscle, do they?

      • 89 FictionFan April 19, 2016 at 16:17

        Don’t forget the sunscreen! Pretty pink nose – yummy. Bright red nose – clown. *laughs* Bring two and we can have a battle – or hunt Tuppence!! *eyes gleam*

        Oh, pleeeeeease don’t start wearing guns on your head!

        *laughs* I’ve never seen the point of learning the names of things I never use… *gasps* Only because we have more important stuff to do!! *cuts cake*

      • 90 Professor VJ Duke April 20, 2016 at 12:40

        Hahahaha. My arms got it, actually. Nose, reported just fine. Hunt Tuppence! I’m on for that. Cats love playing water games, I find.

        Not even under a hat?

        But you use them all the time! You just don’t realize it, see. Uh-huh. *firm believer in cake once a year*

      • 91 FictionFan April 20, 2016 at 19:55

        So glad! One should always take care of one’s nose! It comes in so useful from time to time. *laughs* Do they? I shall throw a bucket of water over them then, and tell them you told me to do it…

        You’d need a little gun turret sticking out the top…

        Once a year?!? *faints*

      • 92 Professor VJ Duke April 21, 2016 at 13:30

        Well, it does lots, I suppose. Especially for smelling the carrion flowers you’re going to put in your new flowerpot. How cool is that?! Well, yes, blame me. I get blamed for everything anymore. I’m quite used to it. And adept at it.

        That’d be awesome! I’d control it, too, with a remote in my hand. I’d be fierce, then. But I’m Pharaoh now, so…


      • 93 FictionFan April 21, 2016 at 16:17

        Ooh, you can’t put your nose near them! Not without a crusader helmet on, anyway! Well, that’s probably just ‘cos everything’s your fault! *nods decidedly*

        You’d need mirrors attached to the sides of your hat too so you could see the enemy sneaking up on you from behind! *laughs* Just so as you know, I pointblank refuse to be a wench!

        So cruel!!

      • 94 Professor VJ Duke April 25, 2016 at 13:29

        Oh no. I bet I could take a whiff without the helmet, the sudden. But maybe only one. Everything can’t be my fault, dadblameit! Then again. I usually do cause lots of stuff, haha.

        *laughing* I’ll get a bunch of Anubites to fan me, then. I’m not particular, see.

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Depends on the day, see.

Punchy Argot:

1. Dadblameit.
2. Humdinger
3. Chickit
4. Chicky-woot-woot
5. Malediction
6. Rapscallion
7. Gardoobled
8. Congratulilolations
9. Togoggin
10. Gargonic
11. Two and Five Gurgles
12. Rats and a Heifer
13. Two nods, a wink, and an astroid
14. A bit, bits, and little bits
15. Huff-Hum and a Roar
16. So many thanks, I can't begin to thank you
17. Ri-do-diculous