Why Conor McGregor is like Tom Brady

professor speaks


So, this professor just thought he should say a few words about it.

Not that it matters much one way or another.

But this fellow:


Conor McGregor

Has something very interesting in common with this fellow:


Tom Brady (with blurry background)

You see, both fellows bucked authority and fought the bad guys. McGregor, the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship) and Dana White; Brady, the NFL (National Football League) and Roger Goodell.

And this is the funny part, see.

While that looks grand and all that, here’s the thing: It’s all a setup.

In truth, that’s true

The NFL created deflategate for publicity; McGregor said he was going to retire for publicity. See, and many sees, it had nothing to do with the fact that footballs were deflated a few PSI, and it had nothing to do with not wanting to do any more press conferences.

Which means, McGregor and Brady did not buck authority.

That’s right.

They followed authority.

Like mooses in the field.

Following authority

Following authority

So, they’re alike because they follow authority not rebel against it.

What a thing.

I did not see that conclusion coming myself.

Moral: If you’re going to buck authority, don’t do it because you’re following authority. That’s just messed up. And the professor is wise to you, too.

Okay, that’s the professor’s conspiracy theory for today.

PVJ out.

218 Responses to “Why Conor McGregor is like Tom Brady”

  1. 1 Audrey Dawn - Oldest Daughter Redheaded Sister May 2, 2016 at 19:39

    You’ve left me quite confused. Sure hope the lesson caught the ears of the intended one, Sir. Best of luck with the stalking moose headed your way.

  2. 9 John W. Howell May 1, 2016 at 22:47

    Good theory. Bucking something that authorities want you to buck is not bucking at all. Bucking would be not bucking.

  3. 27 Simply Skeptical April 27, 2016 at 23:08

    I don’t believe I’m alone in saying: What? And oh yes, please don’t repeat that…

  4. 29 TheCrazyBagLady April 27, 2016 at 18:02

    The professor is wise and something to think about. I wont take your word on it though. That’s because I’m not conor nor Tom. Poor moose got roped into this whole conspiracy!

  5. 41 desertdweller29 April 27, 2016 at 15:53

    Befuddlement! You have not let this deflate-a-gate go, have you?! I can see you’re still sore about it Professor. And I don’t blame you. For one’s idol to be revealed as wicked! 😆

    • 42 Professor VJ Duke April 28, 2016 at 13:28

      A wicked idol is fine…but see, there’s so much proof that deflate gate was a setup. Not Brady’s fault. In fact, I’ll take the blame. Put it one me. Hampering with footballs is something I’d definitely do. (The colts were just sore they lost by so much.)

  6. 47 FictionFan April 27, 2016 at 15:31

    Totally Britishly befuddled, I fear. But if I could just mention to Mr McGregor – No, Mr McGregor! Seriously! Just no!

    Does this mean Tom is to be removed from my heroes list?

  7. 69 Freakishly Fangirlish April 27, 2016 at 15:22

    I’m a total rebel! *sits in bed and reads book past midnight* a rebel nerd, that is… XD

  8. 73 Heartafire April 27, 2016 at 14:19

    The thing is the bucks in the field don’t see the Lion over there stalking in the bushes (probably because of the blur) and fail to follow authority, the alert buck that’s yelling “run away cause ,there’s a lion in the bushes” .

  9. 81 Susan P April 27, 2016 at 14:18

    It is like why fire engines are red.

  10. 185 L. Marie April 27, 2016 at 13:56

    Um . . . makes sense in a roundabout way.

  11. 187 Chris White April 27, 2016 at 13:52

    I see your point exactly, Professor. Personally speaking, I make it a point never to buck authority in the month of April. It makes the other eleven that much more interesting. All the bucking best. Kris.

  12. 191 Amanda Lyle April 27, 2016 at 13:27

    My head hurts…. 😳

  13. 193 walt walker April 27, 2016 at 13:06

    The logic of this is making my head spin in both good ways and side ways. Also, makes me want to ride a moose.

  14. 201 PorterGirl April 27, 2016 at 13:00

    I have no idea what is going on in this post but I like the picture of the two creatures in the field.

  15. 213 Alastair Savage April 27, 2016 at 12:54

    The buck stops here.
    I always liked that 1980s Patriots strip best. They did look like a rabbit in the headlights in Superbowl XX though. In that game it wouldn’t have mattered how much air was in the football.

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